Kiwi Newsletter – September/October

We welcome to our Kiwi room;

  • Greta and her Whānau Sarai and Klaus,
  • Nicha and her Whānau Sam, Nick and big brother Natan,
  • Holly and her Whānau Jiana, Chris and big sister Taylor and;
  • Harry and his Whānau Rachel, Luke and big sister Grace.

We also welcome Winsey (Tui teacher) who will be in our Kiwi room until the end of the year. Kia Ora Winsey. We farewell Harry and Magnus who are transitioning to the Tuataras. We wish them both all the best with their new adventures and learning journey.


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Programme planning

  • During the last two months we celebrated Matariki and Maori language week with many creative activities, waiata, te reo and we worked with natural materials.
  • Our next theme will be Nature, please refer to our planning board to see our activities.
  • The trip around the world took us to the Netherlands and Germany.
  • Again two wonderful learning experiences for the whole centre.
  • In September Sam (Tui teacher) will travel with us to Thailand.
  • October and November are still available so please let us know if you would like to share your culture with us.
  • We will finish in December with a culture evening (or day) where we can look back on our previous travels.
  • As spring has started we will be getting the gardens ready with new plants,vegetables, flowers and mow the lawns.
  • If you have any unwanted outdoor plants, we love to have them.



  • Sue our manager will be away from 10th Sep – 5th Oct.
  • Teachers only day is coming up, date will be confirmed next week.
  • Please bring extra clothing as we’re planning soon for “Summer” activities. Bring on the water trough!!!!!!!


We seem to have lost many bibs. If you have any at home can you please return them.

Ka Kite from the “Kiwi” room.