Kiwi Room Newsletter June/July 2018

Kia Ora everyone,

The winter is upon us with some very cold weather, we have had the usual coughs and colds with teachers especially being affected this year, but the shortest day has passed and we look forward to warm sunshine.

We would like to welcome Lexie to the Kiwi room along with her whanau Nigel and Emma and big brother Milo.

We say farewell to Eiise who has joined the Tuatara group We wish you well in your new learning journey.

Birthdays June/July
Happy Birthday to:

  • Ani 9th June
  • Harvey 26th June
  • Winsey 13th July

The staffing in the Kiwi room remains consistent. We also have great relievers in Joyce, and Melissa who works in the Tui room but relieves in our room on a regular basis, this gives us continuity as the children are not seeing too many strange faces.

Programme Planning
Music is still our group planning. We are continuing this because of the interest and we have this year a completely new group of children settling in over the last few months and this gives them the benefit of the programme. Our main statement within this programme is “Babies Need Music.” In the words of Zoltan Kodaly “I used to say music should be taught to a child 9 months before its birth. Now I say it should be taught to a child 9 months before the birth of the mother” All babies are born with musical potential. A child[s musical development will be affected by the environmental experiences of the home, culture and community in which the child grows The task of the teachers/whanau is to provide as rich a variety of musical experiences as possible to open all the doors that the young child may choose to go through. As with language, we have to keep providing the appropriate experiences for months or even years, before observing a response. In early Childhood we are sowing the seeds for a distant harvest.

Zoltan Kodaly was a well known hungarian music composer. He was also an educator of composers and teachers, and through his students he contributed heavily to the spread of music education.

Whole Centre Self Review (Sustainability)
We are continuing with this review together. We have purchased face washers for the children’s hands and faces this will cut down the use of wet wipes which we hope to phase out. Our other sustainable practices are going well these include buckets for catching rain water, worm farm growing vegetables to harvest, recycling paper, plastics etc

Self Review
We will carry on with this on a smaller scale, embracing our new kiwis with a smooth transition and easing our older children into a smooth transition into the Tuatara room. We have developed from this review.
A generic set of Teaching Strategies to support learning. These strategies will be in place for every child settling into the kiwi room for the first three months they are in the Centre and include:

  • Foster health and wellbeing and respect your uniqueness.
  • Encourage the building of trusting relationships with Kaiako.
  • Promote and foster a sense of belong for child and whanau.
  • Support physical development (developing and moving at own pace).
  • We have also developed a graduation ceremony for our children moving to the Tuatara in the form of an afternoon tea on their last day with us and are presented with a graduation hat for the occasion.

The Kiwi room have purchased new bibs, blankets and overpants that are waterproof these are used when the children are outside in the sandpit and saves their clothing from getting damp and wet. We are also going to purchase some more musical instruments to enhance our music programme and also some new books.

New Review (Art)
We decided on art so that we can see how different art experiences for under twos enhances their learning and perception of colour and texture.
The Value of Art for Children:

  • Drawing and painting help young children develop the fine motor skills required for activities such as handwriting.
  • Children can express their emotions, creativity, imagination, and gain in social skills from art experiences.
  • Art provides an opportunity for intense absorption and full concentration. Art can also be a soothing experience and can provide a feeling of satisfaction.Through art experiences which are acknowledged and appreciated, children can build their self-esteem and a sense of mastery in their world.

Health and Safety
On Friday 22nd June at around 2pm the Centre had an evacuation when the alarm went off. This went very well and we all got out in record time and walked to our evacuation area by Massey. We were out for sometime as the fire brigade needed to check the building. It was a cold afternoon so Massey staff let us into their building to wait it out. The older children thought this was a great adventure with the staff giving them pens and paper to draw on. After the all clear we walked back to the Centre We took the roll upon getting to Massey and then again when back in the Centre.

Please bring hats and coats as we go outside warm clothing is essential. Gumboots would also be great.
Please ensure that you sign your child in and out of the Centre.

Ka Kite
The Kiwi Kaiako