Tui Newsletter – Jan/Feb 2016


We warmly welcome our new tamariki:

  • Mackenzie Perfect
  • Aria Ihimaera- Dawkins
  • Anton Reddaway
  • Isaiah-Johnson Satti
  • Laura Rees,
  • Jasmine McCullough
  • Delta Cromie
  • Harriet Brown.

It is a pleasure to have you with us and we are looking forward to getting know you and your whanau, welcome to your new learning environment.

Sadly we say goodbye to the following children:
Harrison, Kuimiria and Harvey who are moving out of the Wellington area.  We will miss you all.

child-care-tui-groupTui /Preschool Programme Planning
The Tui room teachers have noticed that the children have been talking a lot about transportation and they have been actively questioning and investigating the mechanics associated with cars and aeroplanes.  We have been exploring the process of motion and how the mechanisms of an engine works in order to create movement.  The teachers have recorded rich dialogue from the children’s conversations and we will use this to plan relevant learning experiences that fosters this emergent interest.

Documentation of this interest will be displayed on the programme planning board which is located in the Tui group main room.

Transition to school group
The teachers have reintroduced transition to school group on Tuesday and Thursday.   Natalie is coordinating and implementing the programme.  The programme aims to support 4.5 year olds for their transition to school.

Teacher Natalie has begun her early childhood post graduate degree with New Zealand Tertiary College, we wish her all the best.

Playground update
The tui group playground drainage problem has now been fixed and has been signed off by Council.    The teachers are beginning to put a wish list in place for upgrading the area.   We are also seeking guidance from Jonny who had a major input into the creation of the front playground.


  • Please make sure your child has their own hat, we do not encourage sharing sun hats because of head lice.
  • Please take your child’s drink bottle home to wash and be ready for the next day.
  • Please sunblock your child before leaving in the morning.
  • Please check the lost property basket.