Tui Newsletter – October & November 2015

A warm welcome to our new student, Samantha Whaanga who is from Victoria University. She will be doing her Teaching Experience in the Tui group for six weeks. We also have Doaa  from Careers College who will be with us until the end of November.

Sadly we say goodbye to Maggie and Thomas who have both turned five and are starting school. We wish them all the best on their new journey. Maggie and Thomas we are going to miss you!

Tui group Programme Planning
We are still focusing on Sustainability and Conservation. Recently teacher Nat and a group of children made a hanging garden outside using empty milk bottles. These will soon be filled with soil and vegetable seedlings.

Tui Group Trip around the World
Recently we have been visiting Australia and New Zealand. This month we are visiting Chile. For Maggie’s last day we will celebrate the Chinese culture by making some fresh dumplings with the children. This is a great way for our Tamariki to learn about others countries and other cultures.

Warm Reminders
Please be aware Polyhigh will be closed for our Teachers Only Day on Friday 6th of November.

No toys from home at Polyhigh please. These are liable to get lost or broken which can be upsetting and cause conflicts.

Children’s Christmas Party
Our Christmas Party will be on Friday on the 4th of December from 2.30pm – 4pm. Children who are not booked in on Friday are most welcome to join us. Please make sure you provide a wrapped and named present for Santa to hand out. You can drop gifts off in the office prior to the Christmas Party.

Could each family also provide a healthy plate for our shared afternoon tea.

We appreciated your support.

Thank You