Our Philosophy – Rapunga whakaaro 2015 – (updated 2018)

Polyhigh Community Childcare Centre provides a nurturing, stimulating environment which strongly reflects our multi cultural community.

We acknowledge Te Tiriti O Waitangi as the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand thus embracing Te Ao Māori, Tikanga Māori and Te Reo Māori as an integral part of Polyhigh.

We believe that culture and home practices, whānau aspirations, are pertinent to children’s identity and mana which will be incorporated into the centre.


We incorporate the following virtues into the programme:

Relationships/Nga Hononga –We endeavour to work collaboratively, (mahi ngatahi), and establish reciprocal relationships and partnerships with whānau. We acknowledge whānau aspirations for their children/tamariki and incorporate these into teaching and learning.

Quality/Tikanga rangatira – We believe quality is about creating and maintaining high standards across all educational contexts.

Love /Aroha – Love is also a fundamental emotion for the foundation of a strong Philosophy. If adults work from a place of love, children and Whanau will feel cherished and a strong sense of belonging (Mana Whenua).

Respect /Manaaki – We believe we are educators who nurture and respect differences and aim to install within each person a strong sense of identity and belonging.

Kaitiakitanga/Guardianship – Kaiako interweave the enviroschools kaupapa by creating a healthy, peaceful sustainable world through teachers, children, whānau and the community teaching and learning together.  The five guiding principles run throughout the programme and this gives akonga opportunities to participate in a genuine way, indigenous wisdom with Māori perspectives and other cultural traditions is honoured, and action based learning becomes the basis for sustainable communities.


Celebrate aspects of the RIE Philosophy, Reggio Emilia and place based learning.

Ko te tamaiti te putake o te kaupapa (putting the child at the heart of all you do).