Illness Policy

Kia Ora everyone,

We are experiencing a lot of illness in the centre at the moment. As per our Illness policy “General conditions indicating that a child should not attend the centre:

  • The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in programme activities.
  • The illness results in a greater care need than the centre can reasonably provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children.
  • The child has any of the following conditions:   fever, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, diarrhoea  or any other possible severe illness. 
  • I have attached Polyhigh Illness policy and also information from the Regional Public Health regarding Influenza.  

Please take the time to read.  A number of children have been coming to the centre showing signs of the above, we will not hesitate to send any child home that is unwell.   Children who come to centre unwell are usually miserable and often infect other children and the teachers.

Download our Illness Policy